By Harvey Tobkes

All weep at the early demise of a young person who had a bright future ahead. No doubt it is a sad and depressing experience when we are hit with the reality that we are not immortal. In fact, everybody thinks they have forever, that therefore they can wait for life. Most people are waiting for some magical day to come where all in life is going to be just great. There’s no point in waiting!
It’s not going to happen.The only thing that comes to people who wait is death. There’s nothing wrong with death, but if you haven’t lived, it is a very sad day.

So while the minister preaches a sermon for your departed friend or relative, you make some secret promises to yourself. Perhaps something like…I’m going to spend more time with my wife and children – or I am going to start that diet and get in shape – or I must quit smoking/gambling – or I have to end my affair, as it will only lead to trouble.I’m sure you get the idea.

The only thing wrong with those uplifting commitments is that in 24 hours you will revert to the same old habits.

Good and evilThat little devil of temptation is whispering in your ear, telling you to take instant pleasures and not to worry about tomorrow.

Why is that so true for so many of us?

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