“Cooking kills everything”
You knew that proper cooking protects you against botulism and mad cow disease, right? Wrong, it doesn’t.
“Food left out is harmless”
According to the USDA, foods such as meat, poultry, eggs and casseroles should be discarded if left at room temperature for more than two hours. If it’s 90 degrees or hotter,
“You can wash it all off”
Sometimes the contamination is within. With veggies like raw bean, alfalfa, clover or radish sprouts, it is possible that the seeds have been contaminated.
“Local means safe”
It depends on what type of fertilizer is used, what water source is used and how often it is tested and what hygiene practices were used during the harvesting, storage and transportation processes.”
“Fruits and vegetables are safer than meat products”
Because fruits and vegetables are often uncooked, anything they into contact with could contaminate them.
“A meat thermometer isn’t necessary”
Instead of guessing, experts recommend a meat thermometer to be sure.
Source: The Consumerist…Food Safety
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You’re currently reading “MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT FOOD SAFETY,” an entry on Harvey Tobkes.
- Published:
- 06.23.09 4:41
- Category:
- Health
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