REST IN PEACE MR. LINCOLN ~ (recycled from Jan 19, 2009)


By Harvey Tobkes

It started with Abe Lincoln who abolished slavery in 1863, but that brought little improvement to the lives of black people. Then Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lead a civil rights movement to change the separate but equal charade southern whites imposed on all who belonged to what was then called the Negro race.

So… can you believe how far we have come since the day Rev. King was assassinated by a white racist?

The painfully slow progression of the transformation in this country, as to how whites treat blacks, could not be more dramatic than the events that will unfold in the next three weeks.

Contemplate this!… Tomorrow, Monday, January 19th, is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a national holiday (marking his date of birth, January 15th 1929). Tuesday, January 20th, Barack Obama will be sworn in as our 44th president.

And Monday, February 12th, our nation will celebrate Lincoln’s milestone 200th birthday.

Dear old Abe can finally rest in his grave.

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