By Harvey Tobkes
I feel terrible about General David Howell Petraeus Ret,’ resignation as Director of the C.I.A. owing to an extra-marital affair. He was one of West Point’s top tier graduates and held a Ph.D. degree from Princeton University.
The pressure of precedent may have come into play to force his action. When reflecting on this I can’t help thinking about President Clinton’s shameful affair in the White House. In that saga it was an episode of fellatio; a quickie sexual encounter with Monica Lewinsky in the hallowed rooms of the White House. Then, he lied to us on the TV screen; he shook his finger at me and you and told us all “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” If anyone should have resigned it was Clinton. Yet many people in the country cast a blind eye and said, “So what! Just a little sexual escapade, who cares.”
Petraeus was married for 37 years and discretely had an affair. And I do say, “So what!” You and I know that the fire can morph into ice for either or both spouses in any marriage. Some may point out that Petraeus as head of the C.I.A. might have endangered the country by disclosing state secrets. Give me a break! I’m sure she was no Mata Hari, such as the infamous WWI German spy temptress who was brought to trial and executed.
Yes! Men, many times are irrational when overcome by their libido just look at N.Y. Rep. Anthony Weiner who posted a picture of his weenie on his Twitter account, or Elliott Spitzer, ex N.Y.S. attorney general, or Gary hart who probably could have been president or disgraced John Edwards, and don’t forget Old Ben Franklin who was a world class womanizer. And as history tells us, presidents Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Eisenhower and Kennedy all kept mistresses while in office. Lyndon Johnson had a buzzer installed to warn him of Lady Bird approaching. Let’s be honest there were and are countless men, too many to mention, who had affairs. Google “sex scandals” and you will be kept busy for a week.
If all the guilty men were to resign, who would be left to run our corporations and the country?
General, I salute you for your service to our country as Commander, U.S. Forces Afghanistan and Iraq in a most difficult and futile war. May you embark on a new journey into a happy future, find peace of mind, and put this all behind you.
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- Published:
- 11.10.12 0:17
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- Author: Harvey Tobkes
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