
Martha, an elderly lady, played bridge on Mondays and ma jongg on Fridays, but she had a problem.

The other ladies in the games started to complain about her continually expelling gas. Naturally, Martha was embarrassed by the noise, so she finally decided to visit a doctor to find a cure.

She gave the doctor all the details telling him about the distress of having to repeatedly expel gas and that there was no smell but the noise was terribly embarrassing.

The doctor asked Martha to lie face down on the table and bent over to exam her. Just then Martha let go an atomic blast that almost blew the physician off his feet. Martha, jumped up and said, “See, I told you doc, and I apologize. So, do I need an operation on my ass”?


“Noooo! Said the doctor,” but if you think that didn’t smell you need one on your nose.”

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