More Than “Moronic”
N.Y.Times Editorial
Maybe he was tired. Maybe he had let his guard down because he is expected to win re-election in November by a landslide. Whatever. Alan Hevesi, the New York State comptroller, should know better than to suggest that anybody — in this case U.S. Senator Charles Schumer — would like to put a bullet between the president’s eyes. That is the opposite of funny, and an outrageous remark for a public figure.
Mr. Hevesi quickly expressed his regrets for the comment, which he made last week during a Queens College commencement ceremony.
He said the remark was “remarkably stupid, incredibly moronic and totally offensive.” Nobody could disagree with that.
Full article: Mr. Hevesi’s Blunder – New York Times
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- Published:
- 06.05.06 9:36
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