
Note: This is a copy of an e-mail I sent to my son Andrew, after our recent visit to his home in the Cape Canaveral area of Florida:

Dear Andrew:
As you know, I have an enlarged prostate (BPH) and sometimes get an urgent and sudden need to urinate after sitting a long while.

I thought that might happen on the 3 hour trip home, so I scouted in your recycle bin and found a discarded apple juice plastic bottle and put I it in the Toyota, just in case an emergency situation should arise on I-95 driving home.

Sure enough, 2 hours into the trip, I had to use the bottle and after finishing my business it looked like the apple juice had reappeared. However, and best of all, that container was a perfect fit and I think I am in love. So, if you hear that I left your mother you will know why I blame you.

It’s entirely your fault for having a sexy apple juice plastic bottle in the recycle bin!
———————————Martinelli's Apple Juice Pictures, Images and Photos———————————

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