Baseball pitchBaseball is, by far, one of America’s favorite summer pastimes. Yet no matter how nice the weather or how great the team, one of the best characteristics about a baseball game is the food. Or is it?

While it may look appetizing and taste divine, ballpark food, such as greasy cheeseburgers and fat-filled French fries, is hardly nutritious. That’s why, according to two registered dietitians and American Dietetic Association spokeswomen, choices at the ballpark are all about moderation.


The duo’s suggestions for a healthier stadium experience include:

Consider some stadiums’ healthy alternatives such as sushi or fruit salad.

Instead of super-sizing fries or popcorn, order a small and share it with a friend.

Eat before the game to curb hunger urges and limit portion size.

Walk around the stadium to get a little exercise while checking out the healthier food choices; don’t settle with the first stand.


Fans are obviously hot dog lovers (the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council estimates baseball fans will consume 27.5 million hot dogs in 2005 alone), the dietitians also recommended adding veggie toppings to the dogs for extra nutrients and fiber, and ketchup and mustard for a boost in flavor and antioxidant properties.

Source: Article by Dr. Joseph D. Mercola
Ballpark Food–Your Worst Nightmare 7/28/05

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