A friend sent me an e-mail saying he found the longest word in the English language & it wasn’t antidisestablishmentarianism.

It was floccipaucinihilipilification, but he forgot to tell me what it means. I guess it has something to do with flossing to prevent tooth decay. Just kidding!

AnimalsIn Shakepeare’s works the longest word is honorificabilitudinitatibus. Can you imagine an actor having to deliver a romantic or dramatic speech with that word somewhere in the middle? There probably would be a shower of saliva clear back to the 20th row.

One of the lesser known Greeks at Troy was a guy named Stentor. According to Homer, his voice was, “as loud as that of fifty men.” So when a politician bellows, people say he has a “stentorian voice.” I say he’s a “loud mouth wind bag.”

And if you want to see some really Weird Words and their meaning, open the link below.

Weird Words Index

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