—————black head——–

By Charles Knouse for

As a father of four, I can assure you you are born with at least 80% of your personality hard-wired. I was amazed at how completely different all four of our kids where. And, yes, they were all mine…LOL

I really think that parents can nurture their kids or screw them up, but they can’t change them. If the child grows up in a secure, loving environment, and is allowed to develop their creativity in a self-directed manner, they will be who they really are, with confidence in themselves and with compassion toward others. If not, they will develop oddities of their nature to cope with the hardships they had to endure, and never fully realize themselves.

I was severely abused, and it has taken me most of my life to achieve an inner peace and confidence so I can be who I really am – but I made sure that didn’t happen to my kids, and they have stepped out into life as young adults with a confidence and ability to excel that is just amazing to me. So, you can help ’em or you can screw ’em up – but you can’t change who they really are.

And this goes for being gay, too, for any idiots reading this who might still have those kinds of crazy hate-notions.

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