
By Harvey Tobkes

I was always able to excuse, rationalize, and attribute some of Trump’s indiscretions to his unusual personality traits. O.K. he’s a psychotic narcissist!

However, the recent development of Trump not wearing a mask confounds all logic, and his obstinacy to the strong opinions of men and women at the highest levels of science, leaves me with no explanation, except to wonder if my pre-pandemic admiration for his good and courageous acts as president, bringing benefit to all Americans, outweighs his gaffes and improprieties.

Yes, those 2 words, gaffes and improprieties are euphemisms (he often say’s things that are insensitive and offensive to women, minorities political foes etc. etc). Who else would call Elizabeth Warren, U.S. senator from Massachussets, “Pocahontas?” He sets a very bad example as a classless president which rings loudly with rebels who refuse to wear a mask…and who knows how many cases of the virus and how many deaths they caused?

So, who to vote for, Trump or Biden? Well, that’s for another day. It’s probably best to wait for the debates starting in September. For more info on the debate schedule go to >>> Debates

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