By Harvey Tobkes

Last night, here in South Florida, Anita and I got together with Jeff & Harrison, two of my cousins (from New York) and their wives for an enjoyable dinner at a wonderful restaurant. We came back to my apartment and I showed old family pictures that I had burned to a DVD with music. Later I played some Motown Karaoke discs, with on screen lyrics, and we had a great time singing and doing our imitations of those great performers of a bygone era.

Musical notes

And later, my thoughts turned to a question…do most other people also like to express themselves in song? Does anyone sing in the shower anymore? It used to be a popular American pastime. Or how about when alone in a car…do any of you sing along with the music from your Car Play Pandora, radio, CD, or Sirius

I hope so…it’s a great way to relax and pleasure the brain…no matter how good or bad your voice is, and I assure you mine is bad, but I love music and singing. I think I mentioned that when I walk at the beach with my MP3’s playing, I often sing along…loudly. People stare, but they’re just jealous.

Yes, music lovers, let your voices ring out. I think most mental health professionals will agree It will make you feel good and it’s a healthy high.

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