By Harvey Tobkes

In his appearance at Columbia University and his interview on 60 Minutes, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared, among other lies and evasions, “We don’t have homosexuals, like in your country.”

———This is, of course, a categorical lie.————

It is well known that Gay men in Iran are allowed medical dispensations from mandatory military service, for example, and the country’s secret police constantly monitor gay activities through Internet chat rooms and other electronic means.

According to Iranian law, consensual gay sex in any form is punishable by death. Violators reportedly are given a choice of four methods of execution: hanging, stoning, halving by sword, or being dropped from the highest perch.
And this guy, Ahmadinejad, wants nuclear power for peaceful purposes? Give me a break!

Source: – Iran Does Far Worse Than Ignore Gays, Critics Say – International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

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